I’m on the bus back to Tallahassee, Fl, from the concert in New Orleans last night. I hope any band or crew member sees this, because I need them to know that I was moved by the show last night that I traveled so far and paid so much to have the pleasure of watching. I take so much happiness from watching performers love what they do. I was mere feet from the stage, stuck behind perhaps the most inconsiderate Lord Huron fan I might have encountered. I tried very hard to not let it detract from the amazing experience. I almost caught a flower. Almost caught a pick. Almost caught a drumstick. I’m not mad that I didn’t. I’m mad that the fan in front of me made others’ experiences worse by trying to film everything, catch everything, ask for everything, and instead of sharing this incredible moment in time and space. This was my first ever concert. Lord Huron’s music has changed my life for the better, and I am thankful that you all shared your art with me. I didn’t need to be the “fan” in front of me. All I needed was to watch everyone love what they were doing, love what they were sharing. I hope desperately that our time and space match against soon, so maybe I can catch someone’s eye and say my thanks. Maybe I can take home a flower, a pick, a drumstick next time. Maybe I can just watch and appreciate, instead of trying to crane around the phone (and body) of the “fan” in front of me. Thank you for what you do and what you share with us. Thank you.